Latest Disability Application Blog Posts

What Happens When a Lawsuit Overturns an ERISA Disability Denial?

Many people receiving disability insurance claim denials believe they can file an ERISA lawsuit and receive well-deserved justice for denied benefits. While this is often true, especially if you work with a competent disability attorney, it’s not quite as cut-and-dried as one might imagine. There are several potential outcomes when taking a long-term disability (LTD) case to court.

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What You Need to Know Before Attending A Disability Insurance Medical Exam (IME)

Disability Insurance Attorneys Dell & Schaefer educate policy holders on what they should expect in an IME exam. Often, claimants are not prepared, and they needed to be protected. Dell & Schaefer gives examples of fundamental things that every disability policy holder should expect when going to an IME exam.

GREG DELL: Hi. I’m Greg Dell. And, today, attorney Cesar Gavidia and I are going to talk about a common topic that is a somewhat scary experience for disability insurance claimants. And that deals with what’s called an independent medical exam. But what we really refer to as compulsory medical exams. And that’s because your disability policy has a provision which requires you to appear at this exam by a doctor that’s chosen by the disability insurance company. And if you don’t go to the exam, your entire policy could basically be voided.

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5 Top Reasons for a Disability Insurance Company to Deny a Claim

Attorneys Dell & Schaefer has handled thousands of disability insurance claims and we have compiled a list of the five most common reasons that insurance companies deny claims.

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What You Need to Know When Filing a Hartford Disability Insurance Appeal

Attorneys Dell & Schaefer informs policy holders on what they should expect if they need to file an appeal for their disability insurance benefits. And why it’s so important to file a strong appeal.

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Can The Disability Insurance Company Interview My Doctor?

Can a disability insurance company decide to go ahead and call a claimant’s treating doctor and discuss the claim with them without the claimant even knowing about it?  Disability Insurance Attorneys Dell & Schaefer give recommendations that every disability insurance policy holder should know to avoid this situation.

GREG DELL: Hi. I’m attorney Greg Dell, here with attorney Victor Pena. And we’re going to discuss a situation that we see a lot that unfortunately results in many claim denials. And the issue is, can a disability insurance company decide to go ahead and call a claimant’s treating doctor and discuss the claim with them without the claimant even knowing about it?

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