Latest Disability Application Blog Posts

Are You Aware of the 5 Reasons For a Denied Disability Claim?

A denied disability claim is not the desired outcome for claimants who are suffering due to injuries that prevent them from working. Below are the reasons why many of disability insurance claims are denied. This information is important to prevent a denied disability claim or before you begin an ERISA appeal for your denied claim.

1. Video Evidence

For many ERISA claims, insurance companies will hire private investigators to follow you for a certain period of time and collect video evidence. If the claimant, which is you, claims that you are not able to perform certain tasks or require assistance to get around, the video evidence will determine if that is or is not the truth. The insurance company is able to gather this information without your knowledge. This will prompt the need for an ERISA appeal by your disability attorney.

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What Are the Legal Challenges in ERISA Disability Insurance Lawsuits?

Those with a long-term disability (LTD) who’ve been plodding through the process of claiming a disability insurance benefit can tell you: it’s no walk in the park. It typically starts with an ERISA denial by the disability insurance company, followed by an ERISA appeal, and finally, the intimidating reality of an ERISA lawsuit.

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Does Disability Insurance Pay With a Suspended Professional License?

When the world’s largest disability insurance company gets a claim from someone whose professional license has been suspended, what happens? Can the policyholder collect disability insurance benefits? The short answer is: That depends. Disability insurance attorney Greg Dell and fellow lawyer Cesar Gavidia explain how a similar situation played out in a 2018 case against Paul Revere, which is now Unum Disability Insurance Company.

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How do you file a disability appeal with Hartford?

You get one shot

So why is the appeal so important? Why should you get help with filing an appeal if you have a denied disability claim?

The most important reason why you need to put in a strong appeal is that with Hartford, you only get one shot. An ERISA denial can be beaten, but you’ll need a good disability attorney. The appeal essentially is your trial in front of a judge. If the appeal is denied then all the judge will see is the administrative record. So, they won’t get any new testimony. You can’t file anything new, and the judge won’t get to meet the claimant. So, everything you want to show the judge needs to be in the appeal itself. That’s why it’s crucial that you hire a disability insurance attorney. With that being said, there are a lot of important elements in an appeal against Hartford for long term disability insurance.

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Why Pre-disability Job Duties Matter for LTD Benefits?

There’s a misconception among holders of long-term disability (LTD) insurance policies that the company issuing the coverage will simply “pay up” when workers say they are disabled and can no longer perform their job duties. However, as with most things in life, it’s just not that simple.

Disability insurance attorneys Greg Dell and Stephen Jessup shed some light on what really happens, specifically the importance of clarifying the claimant’s pre-disability occupation and the specific duties involved. There’s high potential for a disability claim denial and eventual ERISA lawsuit if the disabled policyholder doesn’t know exactly how to present the crucial issue of defining the occupation – and proving how his or her disability now makes it impossible to perform that particular job.

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