Latest Disability Application Blog Posts

Mutual of Omaha Lawsuit Help for Disability Income Benefit Denial

Receiving notice that Mutual of Omaha has denied your claim for long term disability benefits can be disheartening. You may be worried about making ends meet and wondering what to do next. Fortunately, you don’t have to go through this alone. The disability insurance attorneys at Dell & Schaefer have handled thousands of these claims and can fight for your rights under your long term disability policy. Learn more about what claimants can expect after Mutual of Omaha denies a claim for long term disability insurance benefits.

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New York Life Disability Benefit Claim Tips to Avoid Denial

New York Life recently purchased Cigna, making it one of the top three largest disability insurance carriers in the country. As a result, New York Life now handles both individual and group long term disability policies, and these two types of disability insurance policies can be treated very differently.

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Mass Mutual Disability Benefits Application Tips

Our disability lawyers have helped hundreds of claimants to apply for Mass Mutual disability benefits. In our Mass Mutual disability application video Attorneys Gregory Dell and Stephen Jessup discuss Mass Mutual disability benefit claims and share their insights and tips on how to get your long term disability benefits approved. We welcome you to contact us for a free immediate consultation with one of our disability insurance attorneys.

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Principal Disability Lawsuit and Benefit Denial Tips To Get Paid

Have you exhausted all of your disability claim appeals? Has your disability claim been denied? Gregory Dell with Attorneys Dell and Schaefer sat down to discuss these exact scenarios for private and group disability policyholders. If you want to know what to expect next, keep reading.

GREGORY DELL: Let’s talk about the differences between a group policy and a private policy.

RACHEL ALTERS: OK, and you’re referring to just litigation?


RACHEL ALTERS: There are many differences between a group and a private disability policy.

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What is Disability Insurance? Should I Buy It?

If you became injured or ill and could no longer work, how long would it take before your savings was exhausted? For many workers, this frightening scenario is just a few steps away from becoming a reality, as around one in every four workers becomes seriously injured or made ill at some point during their career. And while life insurance is often touted as a must-have for anyone with bills to pay or dependents to support, disability insurance is often an afterthought – even though today’s workers, on average, are far more likely to be disabled during their working life than to die prematurely.

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